About The Chapel Without Walls
The Chapel is nondenominational, inclusive, progressive worship community dedicated to worship and personal Christian service. Worship is at the center of our life together; individual Christian action is the center of our life apart. We are Christian believers committed to all of God's people in all of God's world.
We have consciously been founded as a chapel, not a church. Our primary institutional purpose is to worship God. We shall permanently remain a limited-service chapel rather than a full-service church. We call ourselves The Chapel Without Walls, first, because we shall always try to refrain from walling anyone in or out with doctrinal barriers and second, because we shall never construct walls around any permanent worship structures.
Worship in The Chapel is traditional. Hymns and other music are usually chosen from the rich library of classical church music, which is in keeping with our intention of providing worship that is inspiring, thought-provoking, and transcendent. The Chapel primarily emphasizes three activities each Sunday: worship, fellowship (by means of our coffee time), and educational discussions (by means of our forums).
The Chapel without Walls especially addresses its appeal to progressive-minded persons who may be not entirely comfortable with institutional Christianity, but who nonetheless appreciate the opportunity of Christian worship among those in our congregation.
Those in attendance, family members and visitors are always welcome and we are grateful for your presence.