2014 Sermons

Pauline Ethics: The Land Of Licentious Litigiousness

Is it just me, or does it also seem to you that the television airwaves are being inundated with more and more class-action lawsuits initiated on behalf of more and more people who may have been injured or damaged by something or other? If you suffer from mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer normally caused by exposure to asbestos, we are told, call such-and-such a law office. They have filed a lawsuit against the asbestos manufacturers. Billions of dollars have been set aside to settle this suit, they say, but if people don’t sign up soon, they may miss their opportunity to receive any of the legal awards.

Pauline Ethics: The Strong and the Weak

There are many kinds of strength and weakness. A 259-pound weightlifter is obviously physically stronger than a newborn baby. A Wall Street hedge fund manager who makes 100 million dollars a year is financially much stronger than someone who earns the minimum wage at McDonalds. Someone who is stymied by trying to decide what kind of cereal to buy when there are sixty brands is probably a weaker personality at least in some respects than a brigadier general who gives orders to colonels and majors, who in turn give orders to scores or hundreds of privates and corporals. Someone who has constantly been beaten down by adverse circumstances over decades likely feels weaker than someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth who perceives the entire world to be his personal oyster.

Our Decadiversary — And Now What?

How is The Chapel Without Walls connected to THE Church of Jesus Christ? We are non-denominational, and are not aligned with any particular denomination. We are Protestant, sort of, and more liberal than many if not most other Protestant congregations, although it might appear that institutionally we are not a member of THE Church. But we are. And we are because, like it or not, every Christian congregation anywhere is a member of the universal Church. That is not an indisputable fact, but it is my strong conviction. Again, to quote Paul, “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ” (I Cor. 12:12).