Call to Worship – April 6, 2014

The time grows shorter for Jesus to live.  Events and trends and people seem to conspire against him, and soon he will be entirely alone, nailed to a cross.  What does it mean?  Who is responsible?  What, if anything, can we do in response to his crucifixion?  The Lenten drama continues, and we contemplate yet another of the principal characters in the passion of the one we call the Messiah.  In the midst of it all, with us God watches and waits and wonders.  Therefore let us turn to worship the God who leads us to Golgatha.


Pastoral Prayer


            Loving God, we gather before Thee in prayer at a time when our focus is on Jesus, and how he lived out the last years of his life.  Help us in this time together to consider anew the sacrifice he made, the pain he endured, and the epically ironic victory he won by means of the cross.  May its message permeate our hearts and minds in such a way that we are renewed in both faith and commitment, and that by the last full measure Jesus willingly offered up we too might offer up our lives on behalf of Thee and Thy kingdom, so that our living will not be in vain.


            We pray once again for the families of those killed in yet another senseless massacre by an unstable individual, and for others wounded by his gunfire.  Bring our nation to its senses, O God, as we wrestle with how best to cope with the curse of a vast arsenal of American guns, but a great dearth of commitment to wisdom and responsibility in their ownership, regulation, and use.  We who are so justifiably proud of many things in our country pray that by Thy spirit moving within us, we may fall far from being the leaders in the percentage and numbers of our citizens killed by firearms.  Grant solace to those who shall always suffer because of this scourge, their families, and the body politic for lacking the will to demand reform.


            We thank Thee for the life of Paul Doerring, another of our fellowship who died suddenly and without apparent pain.  We pray for his family in their sense of loss.  We pray also for others in other communities who are enveloped by the grief which death alone can elicit in such large measure.  Also be with those who are sick or fearful or destitute or who feel utterly alone.  All our prayers we make in Jesus’ name, now joining together in prayer as he taught us, saying, Our Father….