Call to Worship –May 4, 2014

A famous poet wrote, “Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.”  Things do fall apart, and misfortune strikes everyone.  Often we ask in such situations, “Where is God?”  That question prompts deep, probing, and sometimes painful self-examination, as well as an examination of the nature of life and reality.  Through it all God walks beside us, providing as much support and encouragement as we will allow Him to give us.  Therefore let us, with continuing confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We confess before Thee, O God, that increasingly it becomes hard to watch 24/7 televised news.  Either we are told things that no longer matter, or that are likely insoluble, or we are informed that American legislative government has come nearly to a complete impasse, which we have known and have been told about for a few years.  We get discouraged and depressed and upset.  Grant to us, we pray Thee, more equanimity in the face of such circumstances than it is our inclination to seek.  Help us to live through what we must, to put up with everything we can, and to absorb whatever we need to do in order to live through these vexing times.  Forgive those who deliberately cause some of our problems, and teach us also how to forgive them.


            We pray for people in power who must deal far more directly than any of us with the troubles and misfortunes which assail all of us, but some of us far more than others.  Grant wisdom to men and women of good will who strive mightily to ease the world’s burdens, but who may be constantly criticized because they do not do it better or more quickly or with more measurable results.  Bless those who feel like mere pawns in the hands of irresponsible or self-serving officials, and who wonder if their lives shall ever improve.  Bless the children of all nations and societies who control or determine nothing, and who must depend on adults to do the right thing, whether or not they do it.


            We pray for all those who recently have experienced the dissolution of an important relationship, and who are thrown into a chasm of despair because of it.  Give to them new strength in the midst of their weakness, and new hope in the midst of their sorrow.  Make Thy presence known to the sick of body or mind, and to those who feel constant pain, whether physical or psychic.  To the degree it is possible, make us in instruments of Thy healing grace.  These and all our prayers we ask in Jesus’ name, now praying together as he taught us, saying, Our Father….