Call to Worship – July 6, 2014

Two hundred thirty eight years ago some men gathered in a hot and humid room in Philadelphia to declare their independence from the colonial power which had initially sponsored them in the American colonies.  This weekend once again we celebrated our nation’s self-proclamation of its freedom.  This morning we consider what that means in 2014, and we seek God’s wisdom and direction in the midst of major issues facing us.  Therefore let us, with Christian confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            On this weekend when we recall the circumstances in which our nation was founded, Lord God, we thank Thee for Thy gracious influence in our history and in the history of all peoples and nations everywhere in the world.  We ask that Thou wouldst continue to influence policies of our elected leaders which can undergird Thy will for us.  Speak powerfully to all who serve in government about how they can either support or thwart Thy will by the decisions they make and the votes they take.  Guide our President and all those who serve in our judicial system, especially those at the highest level of jurisprudence.  When many individuals and groups seek to influence Members of Congress and others for their own limited agendas, grant courage to politicians who seek the benefit of as many citizens as possible through a truly national agenda.


            We pray for all the people of Syria and Iraq, who are confronted by enormous political and religious uncertainty in the face of a well armed and disciplined army of religious zealots.  Be with the thousands of families who are grief-stricken by the loss of family members in the bloody onslaught.  Move in the hearts and minds of the men who are leading this jihad against their own co-religionists, that somehow words may supplant weapons in the tension which has been created.  Loving God, forgive all of us for the ways in which we allow religion to thwart Thy will in Thy world.  Help all of us to become more measured in our thoughts and actions, so that we do not fall into the seductive morass of armed conflict as the only effective way to resolve differences.


            We pray for all Thy children who at this particular time feel a great need for Thy healing presence and grace.  Be with the severely ill, the broken-hearted, the grieving, the abused, the shunned, and the debilitated.  Thy grace is sufficient for all things, and there are so many things that can assail us.  Therefore we ask Thee to give all of us faith to withstand whatever obstacles may befall us.  Give us the courage we have seen in Thy son Jesus Christ, and help us to live as he lived.  Now we pray together as he taught us, saying, Our Father….