The Book of Ecclesiastes was written by a wise old man who had lived long and observed much. Today we shall be thinking about some of the themes raised by this outstanding biblical writer, especially about old age. Whether we think God is near to us or far away, He is always present, always caring, always loving. Therefore to Him we come in praise and worship, thanking Him for life, for its longevity, and for His blessings to us every step along the way. Let us, with the confidence of the aging, worship God.
Pastoral Prayer
We bow before Thee, Lord God, in thanks for the gift of life, and for everything that makes life meaningful and joyful and rich. We thank Thee also that Thou art always there with us when life does not necessarily turn out as we planned or hoped. We observe complexity and perplexity in our lives, and we thank Thee that we are not alone as we face our uncertainties, but that Thou art our ever-present Creator who dost guide and uphold us through all the vicissitudes of our lives. When we consider how many things can go wrong, we praise Thee that so many things somehow manage to go so right.
Especially on this day we pray for elderly people who are confronted by difficulties over which they have no control: illness, debilitation, pain, depression, and fear for their future. Grant to them the awareness that in such conditions they are closer to Thee than ever, even if they feel greater distance from Thee. Give them equanimity of spirit in the midst of what they may feel are overwhelming circumstances. Help them to discover that trust can triumph over travails, and that faith can lead them through dark days.
We pray for everyone who works for the common good in government employment at any level. Guide our legislators, that they may overcome their political differences and strive together for the benefit of everyone in the body politic. Inspire judicial officials to seek justice for everyone who comes seeking it in their courtrooms. Be with those who have chosen careers in government service of every sort. Inspire in them the importance of what they do, as taxing and unrewarding as it may often appear to them. We pray especially for the President of the United States, as he seeks to fulfill the obligations of his office as he so very uniquely perceives them. Also we pray for Thy guidance of those who attempt daily to advise him. In the grand and awful time in which we find ourselves, give to us peace, progress, and perspective, O Lord. We make our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, because it is he who has drawn us into our relationship with Thee. Now together we pray as he taught us, saying, Our Father….