Call to Worship – October 11, 2020

When we gather for worship, we do so as Christians, but also as American Christians.  When other Christians in other nations worship, they do so as citizens of their own countries.  Nevertheless, the God we worship is a God of all peoples, of the entire ever-expanding universe.  It behooves us objectively to try to see the biggest picture possible, rather than simply an American picture or a Christian picture.  Therefore let us, with an expanding confidence, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We bow before Thee, Creator God, in gratitude for the amazing diversity of Thy creation.  Geologically, geographically, zoologically, and anthropologically, we find ourselves in a world made more beautiful and fascinating by so many different kinds of institutions and things and vistas and people.  Grant to us a deepening appreciation of our diversity, even if sometimes it concerns or even alarms us.  Help us to live as productively as possible in a world which seems to offer as much multiplicity as possible.


            We pray for the family of nations, and ask Thy forgiveness on all nations when we have so many serious family disputes and quarrels.  May Thy goals and Thy values become more and more the goals and values of the leaders of nations.  Prevent them from pursuing narrowly nationalistic or partisan advantages.  Inspire them to attempt the good of all people and nations rather than merely the good of particular people and nations.  And when we stray from Thy purposes, Lord God, draw us back closer to Thee and to Thy hopes and desires for all Thy people.


            We ask Thy blessing upon parents who are hard pressed because of time constraints to give their children the time they need and deserve.  Bless children who are forced to raise themselves.  Grant wisdom to judges whose vocation requires them to pass judgment on an ever-passing parade of people who appear before them, and who may or may not have all the facts needed to determine equitable judgment on them.  We remember everyone engaged in any profession who is forced either to make or to uphold decisions with which they tacitly disagree, but who must decide nonetheless.  Loving God, be with all of us when life is hard, and there is nothing we can do to ease the difficulties.  We pray for the sick, the bereaved, the poor and homeless and hungry, and for everyone who feels a special need for Thy grace.  May that amazing grace sustain us in all things.  This we pray in the name of Jesus, now reciting the prayer he taught his disciples, saying, Our Father….