For most of us for most of the time, life moves forward at a steady pace, and we are inclined to say that God’s in His heaven and all’s right with the world. But sometimes we find ourselves up against it, and we wonder how we shall get through the tight places of our existence. In such moments we look to God. By so doing, we find the strength to move ahead against difficult obstacles. God gives us the abilities we need to withstand all the trials we face. Therefore let us, with confidence, worship God!
Pastoral Prayer
We thank Thee, O God, for averted storms that were promised, for winter days which seem like April, for blue skies and a warn sun and happy hearts. When times are good, we turn to Thee, the source of all that is good, to sing Thy praises for the obvious goodness of our lives. Help us to transform that gratitude into deeds that reach out to others who do not feel as pleased about their lives as we do. Make us instruments of Thy peace, Lord God, so that the world will become a better place because Thou art working through us rather than against us.
We ask Thy forgiveness when we fail to do Thy will. Sometimes we break Thy laws and are well aware of it, and other times we do not do Thy bidding without being aware of what it is. Grant us more informed motives, clearer understanding, and an eager willingness to seek to put into practice those things we believe Thou hast inserted into our hearts, so that Thy kingdom may come more fully on the earth. Bring harmony to those who have strong differences over religion or politics or government policies, so that the kingdom of this world more and more may become Thy kingdom, whom we call Lord, and of Thy Christ.
We pray for people who recently have received bad news, and who are striving as best they can to adjust to its sobering message. Heavenly Father, but for Thy power within us, we realize we would be crushed by factors over which we have no control. But we pray for the wisdom and courage to rely on Thee when we feel incapable of relying on ourselves. Enable us always, but especially in hard times, to realize that Thy will for us is only for good, and never for adversity or hurt or evil. We pray for those who are recovering from illness or injuries, for the fallen and the downtrodden and the downcast. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the facing of all our hours. We ask these things in Jesus’ name, now praying together as he instructed us, saying, Our Father….