Call to Worship – May 19, 2024

We are citizens of a great nation, with widespread economic prowess and military might and the third largest population of all the nations of the world.  Because we are so strong, God expects us also to be wise, just, and honorable in our conduct as a nation-state.  He wants to pour out His blessings on all nations who seek to do His will in His world.  Therefore let us, with the assurance of citizens committed to turn human deeds into divine directives, worship God.


Pastoral Prayer


            We praise Thee, O God, for giving us this day, and for making it possible for us to gather together in worship.  We thank Thee for the refreshment and renewal which comes to us each Sunday from the opportunity to gather in Thy name.  Bless us as a congregation as we seek to support and encourage one another, and to be a tiny part of Thy light shining forth into Thy waiting world.  May our worship of Thee bring proper praise to Thee and may it also be a source of inner renewal to each of us.


            We pray this day for the President of the United States, and for those whose advice he most desires and heeds.  Grant wisdom to him and to them as they agonize over decisions which only they can be empowered to make.  In the complex jumble of conflicting ideas, information, and pressures, grant them clarity of vision, as complete an appreciation as possible of the ever-vexing complexity, and the courage to move forward when decisions have been made and action must follow.  We also ask for Thy guidance of an electorate which seems increasingly fractious and unsupportive of our government, quick to criticize and slow to ponder.


            We remember people we know who are bearing heavy burdens: those whose lives have been turned upside through their misjudgments or through circumstances over which they had no control at all; for the perennially sick and the perpetually disabled, for whom each day is a constant struggle; for those who minister to people in great need, and who look to Thee for strength and guidance; for those for whom death has slashed an immense void into their lives, and who are knocked down by continuous undulations of loneliness and grief.  We give Thee thanks that most of us are living with far more joy and pleasure than we ever expected or deserve, along with the hope that we shall see all of it as a sign of Thy never-failing grace.  All these prayers we make in Jesus’ name.  Now we join together in prayer as he taught his followers, saying, Our Father….